How to Install Clang on Windows

Clang is a popular open-source C/C++ compiler that provides fast compilation, helpful diagnostics, and compatibility with existing compiler tools. Installing Clang on Windows can be useful for developers who want to compile and run C/C++ code efficiently. Follow the steps below to install Clang on Windows:

  1. Download LLVM: Clang is part of the LLVM project. Visit the LLVM releases page ( and download the pre-built Windows binary package.
  2. Install LLVM: Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install LLVM, which includes Clang.
  3. Set Path: After installation, add the LLVM bin directory to your system PATH. This step is crucial for the command-line use of Clang.
  4. Verify Installation: Open a command prompt and type ‘clang –version’ to verify that Clang is installed correctly. You should see the version information displayed.
  5. Compile Code: You can now use Clang to compile C/C++ code. Simply navigate to the directory containing your code files and use ‘clang filename.c -o output.exe’ to compile your code.
  6. Run Executable: After successfully compiling your code, you can run the generated executable by typing ‘output.exe’ in the command prompt.

By following these steps, you can easily install Clang on Windows and start compiling and running C/C++ code efficiently. Clang’s fast compilation times and powerful diagnostics make it a valuable tool for developers working on Windows.